Intro to Git & GitHub

Explore the essentials of Git & GitHub, integral tools for efficient version management and team collaboration in contemporary software development.

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What you will learn

Git & GitHub Fundamentals

Uncover the essentials of Git & GitHub, key tools in version control and code collaboration. Learn about Git basics, GitHub features, and the background to understand the foundation of managing and sharing code.

Branching & Remote Management

Master the power of branching in Git and managing remote repositories on GitHub. Learn how to create and manage branches, handle remote repositories, and effectively control your project's versions.

Hosting Code & Team Collaboration

Delve into the world of hosting code on GitHub and inviting team members. Understand how to upload your code, invite collaborators, and promote efficient teamwork on your projects.

Code Collaboration & GitHub Desktop

Gain practical experience with Git & GitHub through a series of hands-on exercises. Learn how to collaborate on code, use GitHub Desktop, and manage your projects in an interactive and efficient manner.

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Intro to Git & GitHub
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Sébastien Saunier
Sébastien Saunier
Software Engineer
Julie Montels
Julie Montels
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Paul Mochkovitch
Paul Mochkovitch
VP Education
Elise Reichardt
Elise Reichardt
Airtable & Softr Consultant


What are Git & Github?

Git is a popular version control system used by Software Developers to track changes in their software projects. It allows for an incremental commit history, letting developers see individual commits and enabling them to return to a previous version of their source code if needed. Using Git, developers can collaboratively program, handle merge conflicts, and manage their source code repository efficiently. Github, on the other hand, is an online platform that hosts git repositories, facilitating collaborative software development. It provides a user-friendly interface for the basic and advanced git concepts, enabling operations like branching, pull requests, and code review. Github also supports features like issues, projects, and discussions to enhance the collaborative aspect of software development.

Who should have Github Skills?

Software Developers, Software Engineering professionals, and anyone involved in software projects should have Github skills. This includes understanding the basic git commands, advanced git concepts, and the ability to perform essential git operations. Git working experience is pivotal, not just for individual, single-person workflow but also for collaborative efforts. Github skills are also valuable for those who wish to contribute to popular public source projects or maintain their own. Moreover, hiring managers often screen candidates based on their Github profiles to assess their programming skill and their ability to collaboratively program.

How can learning Git & Github could benefit my tech career?

Acquiring proficiency in Git & Github can significantly elevate your tech career. Enhanced Productivity: Knowing essential commands, understanding the concept of version control, and managing merge conflicts efficiently can enhance your productivity in software projects. Career Opportunities: Many employers regard Git working experience as essential, given its ubiquity in Software Engineering. Familiarity with common git topics and operations can boost your appeal to potential employers. Professional Growth: There are various online training courses, from beginner tutorials to advanced topics, that can help you enhance your skills. Online book resources, blog posts, and video courses can provide step-by-step instructions, hands-on course experiences, and even offer professional certificates after completion. Taking such git courses can not only improve your knowledge but also provide you with certificate of completion which can be added to your professional portfolio. Collaboration: Github facilitates collaborative software development. By mastering Git & Github, you can collaboratively program with developers worldwide, contribute to open-source software projects, and even maintain your own repositories. Continuous Learning: The tech landscape is ever-evolving. Keeping up with advanced git concepts, exploring new productivity tips, and diving into challenging levels of git operations will ensure you remain updated and versatile in your tech career.

Is it really for free?

Absolutely! All the courses on this website are 100% free of charge. While you might need to pay for some of the tools featured in our free programming courses, most of them utilize free tools or offer free versions for you to explore.

How many classes are available?

We're continually adding new content, so you can expect a wide variety of courses! Stay tuned for regular updates.

I’m new to tech, will this be too hard for me?

No! Most of our courses are designed to be accessible even if you're new to tech. Our primary goal in offering these free courses is to help more people jumpstart their careers in tech. So, don't hesitate – dive in and give it a try!

How will I learn?

Our courses are organized into chapters, each featuring a lecture video created by one of our expert instructors. In these videos, they'll explain key concepts and demonstrate the process step by step. You'll also have access to the slides used in the videos. After watching the lecture, it's your turn to apply what you've learned! Tackle the challenges and create your own technical projects to solidify your understanding.

What is Le Wagon?

Le Wagon is a global leader in immersive tech training.
Our mission is to train people from all backgrounds in web development, data and no-code, give them the best learning experience of their life, and help them accelerate in their career.
We also help companies become more data-driven by leveraging their data and unlocking their employees’ potential through corporate training.
Founded in Paris in 2013, Le Wagon now has campuses in +40 cities across 25 countries, including global tech hubs such as Berlin, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, and Sao Paulo. Most importantly, Le Wagon is a community of 20,000+ graduates - from all walks of life, including many entrepreneurs (who created 200+ tech startups and raised $862M+ globally), career changers, and digital nomads.